
Showing posts from August, 2014

100 Spoken English Lessons

Hi...I'm Sai Ram,  if you need to speak English please follow below link & learn three levels: Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 This page contains a list of all the lessons in the program. Each lesson is based on a real world conversation. Click on link or copy and past in URL Level 1 1. Where are you from? 2. Do you speak English? 3. What's your name? 4. Asking directions. 5. I'm hungry. 6. Do you want something to drink? 7. That's too late. 8. Choosing a time to meet. 9. When do you want to go? 10. Ordering food. 11. Now or later? 12. Do you have enough money? 13. How have you been? 14. Introducing a friend. 15. Buying a shirt. 16. Asking about location. 17. Do you know the address? 18. Vacation to Canada. 19. Who is that woman? 20. Common questions. 21. The supermarket is closed. 22. Do you have any children? 23. Help with pronunciation. 24. I lost my wallet. 25. Phone call at work.

Pronunciation in English: 500 Common Words

Click below link:  Www.speakmethod/500wordsintroduction.html To speak clearly, these are the English words you need most. The lists and videos show you how to pronounce eachof the basic sounds that are most important to American English. As you look at the words, click on VIDEO in eachcolumn to watch video lessons on thesounds and word lists.Read through the lists you need mosteveryday. Soon you will be pronouncing 500 common words according toAmerican English pronunciation. Plus, you will feel confident about American English sounds. These are great achievements! Short Vowels Long Vowels T Sounds L Sounds R Sounds TH Sounds V / W Sounds B/P Sounds N Sounds Last Letters Syllable Stress Word Stress Thanks, M.Sai Ram

HEALTH TOPICS - Birth Control Education

Birth Control Education Menstrual Cycle and Fertility The time during the menstrual cycle when a woman is potentially most fertile depends on the life span of sperm as well as the life span of the egg. While an egg lives for about 24 hours, a man’s sperm can live inside a woman’s body generally up to five days and possibly up to seven days. Although the total number of days in a woman’s cycle may vary, ovulation usually occurs 14-16 days before the onset of the next menstrual period. For women who have regular cycles between 26-32 days, pregnancy is most likely to occur between days 8-19 of the menstrual cycle. It is more difficult to predict ovulation in women with irregular periods and therefore some women may become pregnant at any time of the cycle. In women with regular cycles, knowing when ovulation is most likely to occur can help to both plan and prevent pregnancy. A 28 day cycle occurs in only 12% of woman.

Timeline human development

Would you like to know about human birth click on this link: Contents 1 Introduction 2 Week -2 3 Week -1 4 Week 1 5 Week 2 6 Week 3 7 Week 4 8 Week 5 9 Week 6 10 Week 7 11 Week 8 12 Week 9 13 Week 10 14 Week 11 15 Second Trimester 15.1 Fetal Timeline 16 Third Trimester 17 Postnatal 17.1 Normal Newborn Neural Exam Movies 18 References 19 Glossary Links Thanks, M.Sai Ram

10 steps to a healthy pregnancy

Pregnancy is an ideal time to start taking really good care of yourself both physically and emotionally. If you follow the few simple guidelines below, you should give yourself the best chance of having a problem-free pregnancy and a healthy baby. 1. See your doctor or midwife as soon as possible 2. Eat well 3. Take a supplement 4. Be careful about food hygiene 5. Exercise regularly 6. Begin doing pelvic floor exercises 7. Cut down on or cut out alcohol 8. Cut back on caffeine 9. Stop smoking 10. Get some rest 1. See your doctor or midwife as soon as possible As soon as you find out you're pregnant, get in touch with your GP or a midwife to organise your antenatal care. Organising your care early means you'll get good advice for a healthy pregnancy right from the start. You'll also have plenty of time to organise any ultrasound scans and tests that you may need. 2.Eat well Aim to eat a healthy, balanced diet whenever you can. Try to have:

Beautiful Stories Self Appraisal~Work

*A little boy went to a telephone booth which was at the cash counter of a store and dialed a number. The store-owner observed and listened to the conversation: Boy : “Lady, Can you give me the job of cutting your lawn? Woman : (at the other end of the phone line) “I already have someone to cut my lawn.” Boy : “Lady, I will cut your lawn for half the price than the person who cuts your lawn now.” Woman : I’m very satisfied with the person who is presently cutting my lawn. Boy : (with more perseverance) “Lady, I’ll even sweep the floor and the stairs of your house for free. Woman : No, thank you. With a smile on his face, the little boy replaced the receiver. The store-owner, who was listening to all this, walked over to the boy. Store Owner : “Son… I like your attitude; I like that positive spirit and would like to offer you a job.” Boy : “No thanks, Store Owner : But you were really pleading for one. Boy : No Sir, I was just checking my performance a


Once a bird asked a Bee, after a continuous hard-work, you prepare the honey. But a man steals the honey. Do you not feel sad? Then the Bee replied: Never… Because a man can only steal my honey not the art of making honey..!! Thanks, M.Sai Ram

The story of a blind girl ….True Love

There was a blind girl who hated herself just because she was blind. She hated everyone, except her loving boyfriend. He was always there for her. She said that if she could only see the world, she would marry her boyfriend. One day, someone donated a pair of eyes to her and then she could see everything, including her boyfriend. Her boyfriend asked her, “now that you can see the world, will you marry me?” The girl was shocked when she saw that her boyfriend was blind too, and refused to marry him. Her boyfriend walked away in tears, and later wrote a letter to her saying: “Just take care of my eyes dear.” This is how human brain changes when the status changed. Only few remember what life was before, and who’s always been there even in the most painful situations. Thanks M.Sai Ram

English Sentences with Audio

Hai...Guys.......I am Sai Ram If you want learn Good English Follow this links : 1.       These pages have been sorted in order of word frequency and the sentences on each page have been sorted by sentence length. 2.       These pages were generated using a database of 10,300 American English recordings by Charles Kelly. 3.       There is more information at the bottom of this page. 4.       In July of 2014, I created a newer project that is similar to this one. English Sentences Focusing on Words and Their Word Families These pages were created from a collection of 123,378 sentences with audio and also include sentences without audio. 1. The 2. Of 3. And 4. To 5. In 6. That 7. Is 8. It 9. Was 10. For 11. On 12. Be 13. With 14. He 15. As 16. By 17. You 18. At 19. Are 20. This 21. Not 22. Have 23. Had 24. His 25. From 26. But 27. They 28. Which 29. Or 30. An 31. Were 32. Her 33. She 34. We 35. There 36. Been 37. Their