
Showing posts from March, 2015


Hai Guys, This is sai, I gonna tell you something about hangman. here you goes... Shri Hanumanji is an ideal personality for humanity to emulate. Humanity is complete and perfect if harmony exists among us. Humanity will flourish when every individual has strength in their body, love in their heart and knowledge in their head. The synthesis of these three qualities will allow humanity to blossom with peace, love, truth and compassion. As an ideal personality, Shri Hanumanji embodies all these characteristics and much more. He holds the humility of the holy Mother Ganges, yet the grand stance of the majestic Himalayas. The simplest item such as the mountain Shri Hanuman holds in his palm, has great significance in his hands. Representing the foundation of civilization, the mountain hides a deeper meaning than meets the eye. From the mountain a river grows, from the river a forest develops, in the forest animals and fruits grow and from them all civilization flourishes. C

Happy Women’s Day 2015

Our foundation  bring to you a list of 21 inspiring and motivational quotes that you will like to forward to a woman, who was there supporting you at every nook and corner of your life! spreading shine in your life. 1.   You can get her love in the form of a sister, friend, beloved, wife, or in the form of a mother and also in the form of a grandmother; so respect HER.. She is a Woman!  Happy Women’s Day! 2.  Women have strengths that amazes man.. She can handle trouble & carry heavy burdens.. She holds happiness, love & opinions.. And she will always smile when she feels like screaming. 3.   Some idiots say: “Behind every successful man, there is a woman. ‘But nobody knows the fact. Fact: ‘Women Go Only Behind Successful Men’. 4.  This life has no existence without a strong ally in ‘Woman’ in every stage of life starting from motherhood to wife, from sister and finally a daughter.  Happy Women’s Day! 5.  Wishing you a day filled with goodness and warmth.