Hai Guys,
This is sai, I gonna tell you something about hangman.

here you goes...

Shri Hanumanji is an ideal personality for humanity to emulate. Humanity is complete and perfect if harmony exists among us. Humanity will flourish when every individual has strength in their body, love in their heart and knowledge in their head. The synthesis of these three qualities will allow humanity to blossom with peace, love, truth and compassion. As an ideal personality, Shri Hanumanji embodies all these characteristics and much more. He holds the humility of the holy Mother Ganges, yet the grand stance of the majestic Himalayas. The simplest item such as the mountain Shri Hanuman holds in his palm, has great significance in his hands. Representing the foundation of civilization, the mountain hides a deeper meaning than meets the eye. From the mountain a river grows, from the river a forest develops, in the forest animals and fruits grow and from them all civilization flourishes. Clearly, the depth and implications of Shri Hanumanji’s role in the Ramayan and its relativity to everyday life should be explored thoroughly. Shri Hanumanji’s life teaches lessons applicable to those of all walks of life as he has lived among and served all.
Sri Hanumanji’s name alone holds great significance. ‘Hanu’ in Sanskrit means to destroy, while ‘man’ represents ego or the desire for respect, so the name “Hanuman” signifies the destruction of ego. In the Vedas Shri Hanumanji symbolizes the divine sound of Aum.  His representation of Aum can be found in the ‘Varn Bijkosh’ book where each syllable of Aum corresponds to a syllable of the name Hanuman. ‘Ha’ symbolizes the syllable ‘A’ of Aum and Lord Vishnu, ‘Nu’ represents the ‘U’ syllable ofAum and Lord Shiva, ‘Ma’ represents the ‘M’ syllable and Lord Brahma and ‘Na’ represents the nasal sound of Aum (depicted by the bindu or dot in Hindi Aum symbol). In the Vedas, Shri Hanumanji and Aum are equal making Hanumanji the embodiment of the universal sound – Aum.
One day, an American asked Swami Vivekananda, “What is the ideal universal religion?”  He answered, “The ideal universal religion will have an Islamic body, the heart of Christ and a Hindu brain.”  These three qualities appear in one personality and that is Shri Hanumanji. He is the embodiment of Bhakti Yog – the way of devotion, Karma Yog – the way of action and Gyan Yog – the way of knowledge; Shri Hanumanji belongs to all ‘varnas’ i.e. Brahman – the intellectual group, Kshatriya – the warrior, Vaishya – the prosperous group and Shudra – the group of service or seva. Shri Hanumanji also belongs to the four ‘ashrams’Brahmacharya, Grihasth, Banprasth and Sanyas. As a Brahmacharya, Shri Hanumanji practiced celibacy, as aGrihasth, he served householders such as King Sugriv and Shri Ram and Sita, as a Banprasth, he lived separate from the material world and isolated from society in the forest, and as a Sanyas he practiced renunciation, dispassion and seva or service. 
Encompassing qualities of all the yogas, varnas and ashrams, Shri Hanumanji identifies with cross sections of society teaching a humanitarian lesson to each group. He was always in favour of the poor and weak as exemplified in the Ramayan with Surgriv. Hanumanji’s relationship with Surgriv sends the message that one should continually stand side by side with the less fortunate sections of society. Shri Hanumanji also plays the role of bringing devotees closer to God. This is represented in the scene of the Ramayan where Shri Ram and Lakshman are seated on Hanumanji’s shoulder. Shri Ram represents God and Lakshman represents the devotee, so Shri Hanumanji unifies God with the devotee. Hanumanji established the friendships between Shri Ram and Sugriv and between Shri Ram and Vibhishan exemplifying the role Shri Hanumanji plays in connecting God with his devotee.
Shri Hanumanji also played the role of developing kingdoms and rulers such as the Kingdom of Sugriv, known as ‘Sugriv Raj’and the Kingdom of Vishishan, ‘Vibhishan Raj’. In present times it is very difficult to establish such societies with love and peace, but Shri Hanumanji performed this great work. When Sugriv and Vibhishan developed constitutions for their kingdoms, they lacked an important universal vision. Their constitutions were suitable only for a selected community and race of people. However, when Shri Ram started to prepare his own constitution, Shri Hanumanji supported his international vision of equality, justice, liberty, fraternity and other democratic values. Shri Ram’s constitution most importantly encouraged the unified growth of human consciousness with divine consciousness because in Shri Hanuman’s vision, Shri Ram symbolizes the goodness of the entire cosmos. Therefore, Shri Ram Raj is for the people, of the people and by the people.
Overall, Shri Hanumanji’s life is of great significance in Hindu mythology, theology, philosophy, culture, history and dharma. Due to this Sant Tulsidas wrote: “charo yug partap tumahara” - O Hanumanji! You are glorified in all four yugas, ages and periods. “Sankat se Hanuman Churavai” – Hanumanji, you are the dispeller of distress of all humanity. Shri Hanumanji is a symbol of the wind - man’s breath and life-power, so regardless of religion, Shri Hanumanji holds great importance to all religions. In the fourth chapter of the Ramayan, Sant Tulsidas wrote about Shri Hanuman;s qualities:
atulitabaladhamam svarnasailabhadehamdanujavanakrsanum njaninamagraganyam|
sakalagunanidhanam vanaranamadhisam
raghupativaradutam vatajatam namami || 
I make obeisance to the Son of the Wind, the
home of the immeasurable strength, possessing
a body shining like a mountain of gold, a fire to
consume the forest of the demon race, the foremost
among the wise, storehouse of every excellence,
the chief of the monkeys, Raghupati’s noble messenger!
Hanumanji accepts the entire world as one family and envisions the entire cosmos as his life, as the omnipotent, omnipresent, supreme Brahman.

M.Sai Ram


  1. This is the beat explanation of hanumanji,s name.thanks a lot sir this is susila


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