BPO interview questions and answers

BPO interview questions and answers

BPO interview questions and answers

BPO industry is flourishing and recruitments are almost always on in both voice based as well as web based BPOs. If you are appearing for an interview at a BPO here are 40 interview questions and answers that should help you crack the interview. These questions and answers range from very general ones to the tricky ones. Prepare with these interview questions and answers to get through your BPO interview.
BPO/Call center skills assessment test!
Tell us something about yourself.
This is usually the first question you would face in any interview. The basic purpose of this question is to start the communication and put the candidate to ease. This is the simplest but the trickiest question as you can take the interview in whichever direction you want through this question................
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What according to you is a BPO?
BPO stands for Business Process Outsourcing. When a company decides to outsource some of its non-core work processes to another company..............
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Why do companies outsource their work?
There are mainly four reasons for a company to outsource its work:...............
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What are voice based BPOS?
Voice based BPOs are those BPOs where you are required to talk to the customers. It may be for sales or support or service or anything else................. 
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What is off-shore outsourcing?
When a work process is out-sourced to a different country which is not nearby – it is called off-shore outsourcing. For e.g. If USA outsources a work process to India- it is off-shore outsourcing..................
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What is a call centre?
Call centres are voice based BPOs. These are usually used for sales, customer service or support activities................
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What attracts you towards a BPO?
When you are asked this question – focus your answer mainly on the growth of the industry and the prospects you see for yourself in the industry..............
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What are your strengths?
To answer this question – analyse the requirements of the position you have applied for and make a list of the qualities a person working in that profile should have. Pick up the qualities you have out of them and offer them as an answer.................
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Why do you want to quit your present job?
If you are currently working or worked in the past, it is one of the most obvious questions you would face..................
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How would you manage your accommodation?
This question might be thrown at you unexpectedly to see your reaction. To answer this, you can just say that accommodation will not be a problem, you will manage................. 
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How do you rate your communication skills?
Communication skills play an important role in almost all the jobs you perform...................
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Do you know anything about our company?
Answer to this question shows your level of interest in the job and company................
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Why should we hire you?
To answer this question, you need to prepare well in advance. Read through the requirements of the job properly...................
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If you were hiring for this position, what qualities would you look for?
A person in a particular role needs to have some qualities, skills and expertise. Analyse the ones required by the position and offer them as an answer..............
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What is your expected salary?
Don’t jump at a figure when asked a question about expected salary. Put the ball back in interviewer’s court by asking them, “What does the company offer for a position like this?”...................
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Would you like to ask any questions?
When you are going for a job interview, go prepared. Try to find out the latest information about the company...............
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M.Sai Ram


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