Leadership Traits Small Business Owners Must Possess

Running a successful business requires more than
just having a great idea. It requires a skill that not
all of us are born with—leadership. The good news
is that leadership skills are something you can
learn. They’re something you have to learn if you
want to build a successful company.
What does it take to be a

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n effective small business
leader? You need to possess these 7 important

1. Be a good listener – Listen to your employees
and customers, and you’re guaranteed to find
some great ideas that will help you improve your
business. When you use ideas from someone else,
show them a little love by thanking them and
giving them credit.

2. Communicate with your team – One of the best
ways to avoid disgruntled employees and a
dysfunctional team is to communicate clearly with
everyone. Always let your workers know what’s
going on and what you expect out of them. Also,
give them insight into the bigger picture so they
know your company’s overall goals and vision.

3. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes – Nobody is
perfect, neither are you. It’s impossible to run a
business without making mistakes, but great
leaders understand that mistakes will be made.
That’s just part of being an entrepreneur. It’s how
you rebound from those mistakes that really count.

4. Surround yourself with smart, talented people –
As a business leader, it’s important that you build
a well-rounded team. You should understand your
own abilities—your strengths, your weaknesses—
and surround yourself with talented individuals
who possess the skills you lack.

5. Be willing to delegate – If you’re never willing to
give up any control, your company will never grow
to its full potential. There’s only so much you can
do on your own. You have to let your team do the
things they do best.

6. Always be looking forward – A good leader is
always visualizing the future. You need to think
about what you want for your company and create
a plan that helps you achieve that. If you’re not
looking forward, you’ll get stuck exactly where you
are today.

7. Hold yourself and others accountable –
Accountability is important in all companies. You
need to set clear expectations for what you want
out of your employees and yourself, and you have
to hold everyone (yourself included) for the results
they produce. That also means admitting when
you make a mistake.


M.Sai Ram


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