Skills Required for Career in BPO Sector

Skills Required to Work in Different Verticals
Call Centre
Good communication & language, skills, accent understanding, team leadership, basic computing skills.
Market Research, Integration
Understanding statistical sales & marketing concepts Data Conversion, Computing, language & analysis skills.
Human Resource Service
Country specific HR policies, rules & regulations.
Finance & Accounting
Financial analysis skills, international accounting rules & principles.
Engineering & Design
Technical & Engineering design & computing skills.
Good background in operations research & engineering management.
Healthcare Translation
Understanding of pharmacy & Medical imaging.

Skills Required to Work in Different Verticals
Medical localization
Language understanding, basic computing ( word processing knowledge ) and transcription & understanding of various medical terminologies.
Remote Education Animation
Subject knowledge, computing & language skills, Drawing and creative skills, computer graphic skills.
Network & Management Consultancy
Understanding different network configurations and support equipment, technical / computing skills It is necessary to learn and adopt attitudes that help reduce stress. Towards this end, a broad outline of skills needed in English as a communication medium, and Computers as a professional, a tool kit is presented along with Attitudes needed for social, personal and professional success and well - being.
Attitudinal Skills
Pattern of Exercises
Customer Relation
Identifying Times Stealers, Interruptions telephone, Interruptions personal, visitors & meetings. Tasks you should have delegated. How to overcome indecision, acting with incomplete information, inability to say "No".
Internal Communication
Dealing with team members, Crisis management ( fire fighting ), Unclear communication, Inadequate technical knowledge, Unclear objectives & priorities, Lack of planning.
Self Control
Management of priorities, Increasing work effectiveness & productivity, Managing a more balanced lifestyle, feeling more in control of the daily activities.
Stress Management
What is pressure & what is stress, recognizing your own stressors, personality types & reactions to stress, How your beliefs & perceptions cause stress, managing yourself; Does you job cause stress? What ails causes stress, Developing strategy for stress? management, Self management, Managing change, Relaxation techniques, Assertiveness skills, Planning your next steps.
Telephone Etiquette
Your valuable role to the Customer, the company, Etiquette voice, Communication Process, Challenge of Communication, Telephone Skills Practice.
Know Your Customer
Show UK / US Culture slide show, Aware of Contemporary Culture, Work, Social Situations, Geography, Entertainment, Economy, its impact on customers.
Computer Skills
MS Word
Word Processor & its uses, Exploring the Word Processor, Document template & Formatting the document, Table handling, Mail merge, Setting up pages for printing.
MS Excel
Introduction to Spreadsheet, Exploring the Workbook Window, Formatting Cells / Worksheet, Working with formula & Function, Working with Charts, Filtering Data & Printing Worksheet.
MS Power Point
Introduction to Power Point, Exploring Power Point, Planning & creating a Presentation, Adding Transitions, Previewing & Printing Presentations.
Chatting, Creating User, Search a site, Email, Downloading, Finding Junk mail. Searching ( e.g. ), web mail ( e.g. Yahoo mail ), News Groups ( e.g. Yahoo groups )
With Typing Softwares
Common Utilities
Introduction to Virus & its effects, Removing Virus using Anti Virus Software, Taking backup & Checking storage devices, Concept of multimedia, Introduction to Macromedia Flash.
Fundamentals of Networking, Introduction to Domains Addresses, configuring TCP / IP parameters Methods of Internet access, Introduction Client server.
Modulation, Kinds of modulation, Connecting the modem, Internal and External Modems.
Hardware Peripherals
Input - Keyboard, Mouse, Scanner, Light Pen. Output - VDU, Printers, Plotter. I / O - Hard Drive, Floppy Drive, CD RW, DVD Drive, Zip Drive.
Kinds of OS, Features, Types, Multi Tasking, Single User.
Communicative English Language
Listening Skill
Quiz, T.V. serials, Film ( US / UK ), Conversation CD, Reciting play and poems, News, Different style of speech ( CD ), Interaction with Guest speakers.
Memory games, Lengthening the word, Building a new word with addition or subtraction of a letter, Multiple type of vocabulary.
Grammar Exercises Writing Skill Instant Speech
Tense, Verbs, Preposition, Article, Reported speech, Inter change of parts of speech. Draft Business / social letters, Resume, Note taking. Mock interview to a mock famous person, Extempore, Continuous and spontaneous speech.
Phonetics & Voice Training
Vowel and consonant sound, Accent CD, Recitation of sentences, Emphasis on words, Tone Modulation, Cassettes.
Provide a Thought Practical Skill
Giving Imaginary situation, Expansion of Ideas Develop Common Sense, Personality Development.
Asking Question & Art of Conversation Official
WH, Tail, Polite phrases, Short speeches. Making appointment, Commercial terms, Tele marketing, Corporate Communication.

Health issues of professionals : In order to synchronize with the working day of the client countries, a number of BPO companies work either mid – day to mid – night or all – night. The psychosomatic stresses involved in working at hours contrary to human biological cycle, the number of complaints related to health issues among BPO professionals is perhaps the highest among all other professionals.

This is an important issue that may influence the ability to BPO companies in attracting and retaining the best talent. Conclusion BPO means different things to different people. Some perceive it is a golden business opportunity, while some others see it is an avenue to an exciting career. However, significant steps must be taken in imparting certain fundamental skills to a large section of the students before BPO can become the next big wave of gainful employment. In the long run, success of the BPO industry will depend on how well the talent pool of the country is nurtured as also on a number of socio – political and psycho – somatic issues.
Skills Required for Career in BPO Sector

Thank you,

M.Sai Ram


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