Pregnancy and Your Body

Pregnancy initiates such rapid changes in your body that it may leave you wondering about the way your body is transforming. You might start thinking more and more about your looks, your body weight, your ever increasing waist, breasts, and even about the size of your clothes! You might just also start wondering about what is going to happen to your figure post pregnancy.
Changes in your body are natural: These changes are normal during pregnancy Accept this fact and also encourage your partner to accept it,. Your weight gain and your body must be a subject of delight for both of you.
Pregnancy is a privilege: You have the privilege and the ability of carrying and bringing a human being to earth. Be proud of this fact and everything associated with it.
Pregnancy affects your looks for good: The changes that your body goes through during pregnancy affects you positively in the long term. In fact, even during pregnancy, you can retain your natural body shape to a certain extent through the combination of a proper exercise regime and a healthy, balanced diet. Though, do consult a doctor before doing so.
Comfortable clothes can make a difference:One of the ways to feel good about your body can be getting into a comfortable maternity wear. It keeps you physically relaxed and even enhances your beauty.
Benefits of the pregnancy diet.
Food can be quite a boost to your feel-well factor. A nutrient-rich diet keeps you physically fit, plus it makes your skin a lot better. One may list down the benefits of a healthy diet during pregnancy as:
Glowing skin: A diet that is rich in nutrients like vitamin A and E improves your skin. Increased fluid intake assures that you don’t get dehydrated and rids your body of toxins, bringing a natural glow to the skin. Vitamin C is an integral part of collagen and antioxidants which have beneficial effects on your skin.
Smoother texture: The essential fatty acids and amino acids, coupled with vitamin A & E from your diet enhance the integrity of the epithelial tissue–which gives smoothness to your skin.
Better, healthier hair: As a result of a diet that is rich in all the essential macro and micro nutrients, your hair becomes thicker, healthier and shinier.
The diet during pregnancy should be adequate to provide for a) The maintenance of maternal health. c) The needs of growing foetus. c) The strength and vitality required during labor. d) Successful lactation.
The pregnancy diet should be light, nutritious, easily digestible and rich in proteins, minerals and vitamins.
Follow a proper diet prescribed by your doctor or nutritionist. Generally keep happy, don't worry. Your body is versatile. Now it is changing to accommodate the baby inside. Post pregnancy, it is going to get back to its earlier form soon enough.

M.Sai Ram


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