Useful Diet Tips for Pregnant Women

Pregnancy period is something a woman doesn’t
forget easily, as she gives birth to a new human
being that grows inside her for about nine months.
During this period, the woman’s body passes
through different transformations from extra kilos
to nausea or vomiting. Therefore, diet represents
an important aspect to have in mind while being
Eating for two isn’t quite easy, especially if we
think of your body’s deformation with that high
weight. Anyway, remember that almost any woman
gain weight when she’s pregnant. But the most
essential thing isn’t to eat excessively, but healthy
by respecting doctor’s recommendations. A
woman needs energy to offer all the nutrition both
her and the baby inside her body, so the doctor
usually recommends 300 calories extra per day.
The sources of these extra calories are also
important, so the pregnant woman needs to be
careful with her diet.
Here is a list with several useful diet tips indicated
for every pregnant woman:
1. Say “no” to alcohol is among the first rule to
follow during the pregnancy period. Alcohol is a
drug that reduces the actions of the central
nervous system and women shouldn’t consume.
There are no certain facts whether an amount of
alcohol is perfectly safe or not. Is one drink per
day enough? Does it harm your body? Nobody
actually knows, but it would be wiser and safer to
save that white wine until your baby’s birthday.
2. Here’s another no for excessive coffee . We know
you love coffee, but try to have a moderate
consumption during the pregnancy or
drink decaffeinate variant. It’s lighter and has less
caffeine, as the normal one. Remember that coffee
is considered a diuretic and causes dehydration, a
sine qua non condition for women to avoid. It isn’t
known yet the amount of coffee that will create
side effects, since you may found caffeine also in
soda, chocolate or tea. Probably the best solution
is to take decaf coffee with moderation to be sure
everything is normal.
3. Say “yes” for fruits and vegetables. Basically, you
should always say “yes” to these foods, because
they ensure your portion of daily healthy meal.
They are very important for a pregnant woman, as
they contain vitamins, minerals or antioxidants
required to any pregnancy diet. For example, for
folic acid, a vitamin B is necessary and required in
high quantities for blood and protein production or
vitamin A for healthy skin and bones found in
sweet potatoes, spinach which are among the best
choices. In accordance to your tastes, you should
consume them for a healthy diet during your
pregnancy period.


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